Saturday, December 7, 2013

SoftPerfect Traffic Meter (by aufbrecher)

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Torrent Size: 12 Mb
Files: 2
Info Hash: 31cd363a6cbb0c0f147563cc13a2d8ce03cded2a

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Let's see what SoftPerfect Meter monitors the launch of an online business. With a number of SoftPerfect the pain, you can create a full-featured, and great is the pain and the Internet is a lot of użytkownikóww home or office. SoftPerfect the company's Meter works in real time, that is, in their own life and they are in number, either immediately, or graphically. SoftPerfect pain Meter is able to build you up, and he handed over to a graphic presentation of the incoming and outgoing traffic per day, week or month. But, even to them, however, can not be brought him up to it, as Microsoft Excel, because the pain is more processing.SoftPerfect Cipher, very useful, it is had been detected problemóww networks local. With SoftPerfect pain Meter is a measuring the speed of the data transmission in the network itself, they seize all to generate several listings and army, he found the amount of traffic from one application.SoftPerfect the company's Meter necessary to the work, with the whole class of the proxy server (for example, to Wingate, WinRoute, etc.) and even without the the fact that the network has rightly football please.

What is new:

Features: Provides many traffic usage reports that can be exported to a variety of file formats, including Excel, MS Word and HTML. TCP/IP detailed log. Monitors the traffic of any host or port using a flexible system of filters. Works with dial-up, Ethernet adapters, token ring and others. Makes no changes to your Windows system files. Flexible events system.

Health Health

Version: 2.0
Category: Network Tools|Bandwidth Tools
Developer: SoftPerfect Research
Size: 12 Mb

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