Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cone Layout (32-Bit)

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Torrent Size: 211 Mb
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Info Hash: 640df13c212b956319b39c93a43ccfa5b0d9b0b1

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Cone Layout is a useful program that revealed a truncated cone and generate a cutting layout or flat pattern projection that can be rolled or bend up the cone. On both sides of the truncated cone may be tilted. To tell you the cones you visualize edit a rotating 3D model shows the dimensions. Layout can be printed directly cut on paper for use as a template in the form of a metal plate. Or you can write a layout design in AutoCAD? DXF file, which is the world's level of quality in a computer controlled cutting machine. Other supported file formats are Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) or as a text file with the coordinates. The program is the minimization routine, the amount is cut to waste material by varying the seam along a cone minimized. The software automatically selects the smallest rectangular piece of material fit the pattern. Here are some key features of Cone Layout: minimization routine to reduce the amount of waste material. Supported devices are: meters, inches, feet, yards, radians, degrees, gradients, minutes, points Write cone layout in AutoCAD DXF file, or Encapsulated PostScript EPS file includes a large subdivided flat-screen layout options in several pages of paper required extensive help file and context-sensitive help Print Microsoft Windows 95 or higher Limitations: 21 days trial

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Health Health

Version: 2.0.4
Category: Science / CAD
Developer: Pulse Rate Software
Size: 211 Mb

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